All Access Pass @ Signature Brew Haggerston

As 2021 has come to an end, we’re looking forward to 2022 with enthusiasm, optimism and huge gratitude for everyone that’s helped us get to this point.
Header photo by James Polley @jamespolleyphotography_
With all of you in mind, and hopefully a few friends you’ll bring with you; we’re incredibly proud to bring you the first announcement of All Access Pass - Your Ticket to 2022.
A HUGE run of shows in January and February showcasing everything we’re about when it comes to live shows. Championing new and emerging artists to fill the gloomier months of the year with music, Signature Brew Haggerston will be hosting gigs for just £5 a ticket.
Better still, if you love live music, we’ve got you covered. The All Access Pass is here for you.
£25 gets you on the list for every single show in the run with a few extra perks along the way.
Passes are incredibly limited so act quick. Better still, buy two and you can bring a +1 to every night!
So far we've announced an incredible run of shows featuring Charlotte Campbell; SARE + Diseek, an7; Lazy Day + Prima Queen; Dexy + The Blue Highways; The Travis Waltons + Fightmilk; PARKAS + The Kobras; Kit Trigg + Rival Karma, and more to be announced.